High School Program
The High School Department aims to graduate a maturing woman who is able to:
- See herself as the image of God tasked to work with others for transformation into greater God likeness,
- Develop all her potentials: intellectual, social and communications skills for the service of others especially the marginalized of society,
- Become aware of the local and international socio-economic, political, cultural and ecological situations,
- Cultivate a genuine love for democracy, sense of nationalism and appreciation of Filipino traditions (ideals and values);
- Respond to the call of the Church towards evangelization by committing herself to build small Christian communities through faith-sharing,
- Express her commitment to God and to others through Ora et Labora, the love for silence, moderation, hospitality, sense of community, reverence for creation and other Benedictine values
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 7 – 10)

- Christian Living Education (CLE)
- Communication Arts – English
- Communication Arts – Filipino
- Araling Panlipunan (AP)
- Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
- Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)
- Mathematics
- Science and Technology
- Independent/ Cooperative Learning
- Homeroom Period
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 11 – 12)
- ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management)
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
- HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
- Religious Clubs
- Pax Benedictina
- Magnificat
- Academic Clubs
- Mathrix Circle
- Scieartech Movement
- Socio-civic Clubs
- Earth Savers’ Club
- KamPil (Kamalayang PIlipino)
- Young Women’s Club
- Communication/ Literary Arts Clubs
- Blue Quill
- Speech and Drama Club
- SESFIL (Samahan ng Eskolastikan sa Filipino)
- Special Interest Clubs
- Booktopia
- CyberScho
- CliqueBenepicta
- Homemakers’ Club
- Likhang Kamay
- Performing Arts Clubs
- Dance Ministry of SSA
- Glee Club
- Sports Club
- Badminton Club
- Basketball Club
- Swimming Club
- Volleyball Club
- Other Special Interest Club
- Peer Facilitating Circle
- Student Council Organization
- High School Academic Team
- Varsity Teams
Basic Education Primer SY 2020-2021